Understanding border-image | CSS-Tricks.
How can I remove the border from image links?
css - Can't Remove Border From Hyperlink IMG in Chrome or Firefox.
IE9 link img border.
css - Erase blue border on image in HTML email - Stack Overflow.
css - Remove border around sprite image in Chrome - Stack Overflow.How to set images that are in links so that they don't have borders around them. Includes. QUICK LIST · CSS. <A HREF="http://www.idocs.com/tags/"><IMG SRC="idocs.gif" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT="Idocs Guide to HTML"></A>. In the CSS (which I have in the HEAD of the site.master page, I have. I have also tried adding border="0" directly to the IMG, but no luck at all.
a img no border css
CSS - no border on image link hover - CodingForums.com.How to set images that are in links so that they don't have borders around them. Includes. QUICK LIST · CSS. <A HREF="http://www.idocs.com/tags/"><IMG SRC="idocs.gif" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT="Idocs Guide to HTML"></A>. In the CSS (which I have in the HEAD of the site.master page, I have. I have also tried adding border="0" directly to the IMG, but no luck at all.
a img no border css
image link blue border.<style type='text/css'> a img { border: 0 none; } </style> .. To be on the extra safe side, specify no border in both tags. <a href="#" style="border:.